Process your own needs before you extend to another. It can be enormously challenging to support another person if you are not compassionate with yourself.
We're joined again today by Iris Berfelo to wrap up our conversation about Non-Violent Communication (NVC) (read Part 1 and Part 2).
Today, we'll be talking about incorporating NVC into our daily lives.
Welcome back, Iris!
Q. What resources do you recommend for people who'd like to learn more about NVC?
A. I would recommend searching information at the Center for Nonviolent Communication.
A lot of books on this topic are published by Puddledancer Press.
I would also recommend taking a look at the resources on the NVC Academy website.
You can also find resources on YouTube, like this video of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of NVC:
And you are welcome to contact me ( irisberfelo1960 @ gmail.com), and I will give you an updated list of new inspiring valuable and reliable information.
Trust your own abilities and knowledge in your search. NVC assumes and supports that you yourself are aware when making choices.
Trust your own abilities and knowledge in your search. NVC assumes and supports that you yourself are aware when making choices.
Q. What is your number one suggestion for people who'd like to incorporate NVC into their everyday lives?

A. My number one suggestion would be taking time to process your own needs before you extend to another. It can be enormously challenging to support another person if you are not compassionate with yourself.
Q. Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
A. NVC has the potential to become more than part of your daily life.
It has the potential to become a part of you.
It's been a pleasure having you with us this week Iris! Thank you so much.