December 10th & 11th 2022
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Together We will
Against Violence

Welcome to the 2022 Violence Prevention Education Conference, VPEC is an annual conference and entity committed to providing a
collaborative space for individuals and organizations in the violence prevention realm. Through the spirit of storytelling and community, VPEC aims to make violence prevention education accessible to all using various methods, platforms, speakers, and workshops while creating opportunities for individuals to form lifelong connections and return to their communities with new perspectives.
The first International Conference on Violence Prevention Education (VPEC) took place in February 2020 and was the first of its kind. The group of attendees and presenters included dozens of renowned experts in the fields of education, psychology, social work, and Empowerment Self Defense, representing Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, and The Middle East.
This year, in hopes that VPEC will return to an in-person format in Fall of 2023, we are offering a virtual experience as we saw great success with our 2021 virtual conference in with a total of 145 attendees.
We’d love for you to join us in creating the cultural shift needed to build a safer future.
primary prevention
pri·â€‹ma·â€‹ry | \ ˈprÄ«-ËŒmer-Ä“ pre·â€‹ven·â€‹tion | \ pri-ˈven(t)-shÉ™n
An educational system that focuses on recognizing and responding to violence the moment it starts

~ Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman
What if our systems of education were about learning human rights and how to live together in safety and mutual growth?
What if we taught all people that they have the right to defend themselves from harm?
What if we taught people that it is their right to be treated with dignity and that everyone should treat them with respect?
Even deeper, what if we taught people to respect themselves enough to know that they are worth fighting for and know that they have the ability to respond and to stand up to various types of violence?
The conference will be dedicated to discovering methods that give people, primarily children, the skills and tools they need to navigate the world from a safe and empowered place.
Come be part of the change we need for a better, brighter, and safer future.
Together, we can and we will #FlipTheScript
on violence!

So far, much of the discourse on violence has been largely about secondary prevention that involves removing victims from abusive environments and providing treatment and assistance after the fact.
While secondary prevention is extremely important, we wholeheartedly believe that the time has come to emphasize primary prevention initiatives that will tackle our current culture of violence and create a safer world for all.
VPEC is the opportunity to create the cultural shift we so greatly need. Please join dozens of renowned experts in the fields of education, psychology, social work, and Empowerment Self Defense in working together to create and explore initiatives designed to interrupt and stop violence before it starts.

Safety is a human right, and until we address it for everyone, things will not change enough for all of us."
~ Stephanie Cyr, Self-Defense Instructor

Meet Yehudit
Yehudit (Yudit) Zicklin-Sidikman is a philanthropist and social entrepreneur who goes beyond vision, implementing solutions through action. She has founded both non-profit organizations and private companies dedicated to teaching Empowerment Self Defense (ESD), violence prevention, and personal safety strategies to all who want and need them. 
Yudit is the founder and CEO of MyPwr Ltd - a social tech startup whose mission is to create a smartphone app that brings Empowerment Self Defense (ESD) to everyone.
Yudit is the Founder and President of  ESD Global Inc., a US-based non-profit that makes in-person ESD training accessible worldwide.
Yehudit is a senior advisor of El HaLev, an Israeli NGO that provides ESD and martial arts instruction to women, children, and other vulnerable populations.   She is also its founder and former CEO.
Read more here.

Meet the VPEC Team

Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman
Yehudit is the CEO of MyPwr Ltd. She is the president and founder of ESD Global Inc. and the co-founder and presiden of the El HaLev Violence Prevention Center in Jerusalem.

Sarah McArthur
VPEC Manager
Sarah is the CEO of Power of XYZ and the former Executive Director of IMPACT Personal Safety of Colorado

Nikki Smith
VPEC Curator
Nikki is the Director of Communications and Media for Power of XYZ, Inc